Making plans to take an RV camping trip this upcoming spring? Before you pile into your rig and hit the road, be sure to read our helpful tips below! While not as tricky as camping in the winter or fall, spring has its own unique camping challenges you’ll need to be prepared for before you head out into the wilderness.

Prepare For Inclement Weather

While springtime is typically a pretty warm and sunny season, it’s very important to prepare for inclement weather during your camping trip. Rain is a common occurrence during the season, so be sure to pack your rain boots and a waterproof poncho for your upcoming trip. Spring nights can also get quite cold so be sure to bring along a few heavy blankets to sleep under, as well as a few sets of warm clothing.

Update Your First-Aid Kit

Before you leave for your spring camping trip, be sure to go through your first-aid kit and make sure you have everything you need to deal with the unique challenges of spring weather. For starters, we recommend packing extra bug repellent and mosquito spray, as wet weather and stagnant water can often increase the number of mosquitos in the area. We also encourage you to pack plenty of allergy medication and tissues in your kit, as the amount of pollen in the air is likely to make anyone with allergies in your group sniffle and sneeze for the duration of your trip.

Looking for more helpful spring camping tips? Then consider stopping by Motorhomes of Texas here in Nacogdoches, TX on your way to explore the great outdoors! Our expert staff will be happy to offer helpful RVing tips, as well as help you find any accessories you may need for your upcoming trip, and we’re always happy to serve those in the nearby Lufkin and Henderson, TX area.